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Prayer: My Access to the Father's Will
Folarin Oyebanjo
Folarin Oyebanjo
Sunday, November 10, 2024
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Topic - Prayer - My Access To The Father’s Will

Scripture Reading - Luke 5:33-35; Acts 10:9-13


When Jesus teaches His disciples on prayer Luke 11:1-6

He did not tell them to shout

He did not tell them to close their eyes

Rather, when you pray, say… Luke 11:2

Signifying a down to earth fellowship


Purpose of prayer is communion and relationship Matthew 6:5

Don’t be a hypocrite

Not a time to prove a point by using many words

Not a time to use big language

Not a source of spiritual pride


Jesus was questioned why His disciples did not fast Luke 5:33-34

The bride always has access to the bridegroom as long as he is around

When he is taken away, they will have to fast to gain access to His will


The Multiplicity of Wills 

Lucifer’s will - Isaiah 14:12-15

Each statement explains the prior statement

I will ascend into heaven

I will exalt my throne above the stars of God

I will sit upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north 

i.e as King in Mount Zion Psalm 48:1-2

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds 

i.e the cloud of witnesses in Zion Hebrews 12:2 

Speaks of being adored by the cloud - The desire to be worshipped in Zion

I will be like the most High


In contrast God’s will - Jeremiah 31:33

I will make a covenant with the people of Israel

I will put my law in their minds

I will write my law in their hearts

I will be their God

They will be my people


The will of God can be split into

The written will

The revealed will 

Expands or Explains the written will


Main Text - Acts 10:9-16

Gods intent was that the disciples will be witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth - Acts 1:8

Verse 14 - Not so - Lord

Verse 15 - What God has cleansed you must not call common


The Purpose of God’s will 

Not to convince God about an issue

Its to convince us of God’s thoughts about an issue

Leads to inspire faith and a walk that’s in alignment with heaven

It reveals God’s original intent

His will leads to peace and an expected end Jeremiah 29:11

Gods will is that all men will come to the knowledge of salvation 1 Timothy 2:4

Gods will is that men will not perish 2 Peter 3:9