We have a redeemed life in Jesus Christ.
Romans 6:23
Mark 15:34
Luke 22:44
Jesus went through all that trouble for our sake simply because of the love He has for us.
Jesus is in the business of giving second chances.
Story of Naomi & Ruth. A story about redemption, loyalty, faithfulness, love and 2nd chances.
Naomi and Ruth returned to Bethlehem
Redeemed life in Christ:
- Your Response is Your Responsibility
- Believe in the Divine Provision of God (Jehovah Jireh)
(Natural) Response to Adversity:
Psalm 13:1-2
Psalm 22:1-2
OK to cry out to God – but don’t remain in misery.
- My response is my responsibility.
Ruth 1:13
Ruth 1:20-21
Recap of Naomi’s loss
Naomi’s identity.
Naomi’s behavior - modern-day Christians behave…
1 Peter 2:9
Ruth 1:15-18
Psalm 46
Redeemed power in God.
- The second point in obtaining your Redemptive Story in Christ is to Believe in the Divine Provision of God (Jehovah Jireh – God our provider)
God makes provisions for widows.
Goel – is interpreted as Kinsman Redeemer
Kinsman redeemer had 4 major responsibilities
- Goel is to redeem (purchase back) a relative who had been sold into slavery (Leviticus 25:48)
- Goel is to avenge the death of a relative who had been wrongfully killed. Basically make sure justice is served. (Numbers 35:19)
- Buy back family land – in case the widow sells their land out of poverty/need, the kinsman redeemer buys the family land (Leviticus 25:25).
- Marry his brother’s widow in order to have a son for his brother, in the case that the brother who passed away did not have a son. The purpose of this is to re-establish the widow’s family (Deuteronomy 25:5-6).
Meet Boaz.
Ruth 2:10 - 12
Psalm 8:4-8
Difference between Ruth and Naomi’s response to adversity.
Boaz on duty
Divine Provision of God (Jehovah Jireh):
Matthew 1:16
The spiritual comparison of Ruth’s redemptive story compared to our own redemptive story in Christ…
- Boaz – kinsman redeemer to Ruth. Jesus kinsman redeemer from heaven.
- Boaz speaks kindly to Ruth. Jesus speaks kindly to us (Romans 2:4)
- Ruth lies down at the feet of Boaz – Humility. We come in humility to Jesus Christ.
- Boaz paid the price to purchase the land and redeemed Ruth. It cost Jesus everything to purchase us. 1 Peter 1:18-19.
- Ruth finds favor in the eyes of Boaz. We have found favor in the eyes of Jesus.
Ruth 4:14-17
Joyful Naomi –
Don’t wait for the miracle in order to be happy.
Be joyful while you wait.
God empties us in order to write our story
God is working everything for our good.
Take Home Question: Are you going to be like Naomi or Ruth?